

Grand ePanoramic tour

Feel Serbia –Love Serbia

Panoramic sightseeing with Segway! It is a unique and fun way to get to know the nation’s capital. Tour begin with a short training session where we will teach you how to ride a Segway and then it’s off to the streets! Segway vehicles are easy and fun to use and they are allowed in pedestrian areas where even bicycles are forbidden. This in itself shows how safe they are both for the user and the passers by – you will basically be a pedestrian on wheels.

Your tour guide will lead you through the city on your Segway adventure! And this tour give you the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and explore the history and architecture of Belgrade. By riding on a Segway, you’ll be able to cover three times as much ground as walking!Roll with us for one of the most fun things to do in Belgrade – see several of the city’s most famous landmarks, including Beton hall, Nebojsa tower, the monument of Gratitude to France, the monument to the Victor, the Grand staircase while enjoying the view of Sava, Novak Djokovic’s tennis courts etc..

Feel Serbia – Feel Belgrade

Segway - Weather and location

Segway - Nearby tours


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from 19€

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from 29€

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from 115€

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from 50€